Where to find me next

Shopping online is great but is it as good as shopping at the market? I often have things at the markets that I don't have online or are limited edition so it is one of the best places to shop with Abi Through The Ears.

    That's it, we're back! Back in full swing for 2024 with lots of markets on the horizon and other exciting things including some bigger events! If there is somewhere you'd love to see me trade at then please make sure to contact me so I can look into it! I'd love to try somewhere new!


    • Sunday 2nd June- Leek Sunday Supplement 10:30-3
    • Saturday 15th June - Trentham Makers Market 10-4, Trentham Gardens 
    • Saturday 22nd June - Bolton Young Traders Market 10-4
    • Saturday 29th June - Welshpool Young Traders Market 10-4



          I was crowned North Wales Young Trader of the Year in 2023 too so you can now say you shop with an award winning business - how special is that!
          If there is somewhere you'd love to see me then please don't hesitate to get in touch! 

          Contact form